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Inu Yasha 8162

Inu Yasha

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We will start by welcoming our new Guild Council member Jenna.She will be Kagome in our guild. Which means that she will seek out people who disobey rules and kick them out.

I will also be starting a new contest. To find out how to enter and what to do look on our contest page.

Inu Yasha
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The contests on this page are for my guild members only.

This page will contain mostly information and activities for my guild members. If you are not in my guild you can look around, but you will not be able to preticapate in all of the activites we will be running.



I am still looking for guild council so if you would like to join please feel free to do so. Each month there will be a competition for the most helpful council member.

I would like to encourage people to send me their fan art.

You can send in your fan art to me, I have seen some amazing pictures while building this site and I think that people with such talents should be rececnized. Your art doesn't just have to be a pictures it can be stories or anything else you can come up with.